Switching from books to MOOCs
Guest lecturer Mr. Randolf Mariano |
The lecture was designed to introduce Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs), an open access online course that is able to accommodate unlimited number of participants. Through the discussions, participants were expected to be able to understand how libraries can use MOOCs in their various programming activities and engage a wider reach of audience using the web.
Mr. Randolf D. Mariano, the Reference Librarian of the Thomas Jefferson Information Center (TJIC), shared TJIC’s best practices on using MOOCs. He started by sharing his personal experience that jump-started his knowledge and expertise as a MOOCs moderator.
Library and information science students from the National Teachers College, Philippine Normal University and Polytechnic University of the Philippines later on had a chance on enlisting to the new MOOCs being offered by the TJIC discussing on the topic applying to U.S universities.