Frias, Olivar and Rada attend "Developing Competencies in Library Automation and Preservation" seminar-workshop
The objectives of this seminar are: to equip
participants with the knowledge on how to assess and prioritize their
collection; to experience hands-on book preservation; to anticipate the
possible library crises and coping mechanisms using Project Noah; to get
acquainted to the available digital and/or online legal collection and
resources in the Philippines and the United States; and to discover some
available library management systems which a librarian may choose for their own
The first session is about understanding and
assessing priorities in the collection. The resource speaker Ms. Emma Rey
shared her ideas on proper handling and management of the collection. She also
included in her lecture the factors to consider in managing the library
collection such as the location, building layout and environment.
Mr. Israelex Vilena was the resource person for the 2nd and 3rd sessions. He
presented the 2nd session through a lecture focusing on the importance of
preservation of printed collection, while the 3rd session was delivered as a
workshop, teaching participants how to do manual binding or doing bookbinding
in the traditional way.
The 4th session deals about the
difference of hazards and disasters. The resource speaker Dr. Oscar
Victor Lizardo of DOST discussed the importance of climate
preparedness to avoid disasters. He mentioned that hazards are
unavoidable while disasters can be prevented. He presented the different
types of hazards such as typhoons, earthquakes, etc. and cited ways on how to
prevent them into resulting to disasters.
Building digital libraries was the topic on the
5th session. Ms. Micaela Angelica Gonzales presented
her experience on creating Filipiniana Online, an online repository of rare
Filipiniana materials published from 1600’s up to the mid 1900’s.
Ms. Milagros Santos-Ong from the Supreme Court of the Philippines Library was the
resource speaker for the 6th session on the topic e-Library-Philippines,
where she described the different databases and sources for research in law.
She also shared the different online sources for legal information that are
available for free.
Two open source Library Management Systems were
demonstrated in sessions 7th and 8th. Mr. Gerry O,
Larosa presented the different modules in “Infolib”, the library
system that he developed. Afterwards, Mr. Eugene Espinosa outlined
the different features in KOHA, and then ended his talk with a short
workshop to determine the readiness of the participants in adapting the
integrated library system in their libraries.
seminar increased DLSU participant’s knowledge on disaster prevention by means
of preservation and digitization of library materials. It also made them
proud to bring home with them the very first "book" that they
themselves bound, as products of one of the workshops of the seminar.
Equipped with the new learning on how to assess and prioritize collection, the
participants are now confident to do battles against possible natural disasters
that may visit their area of work.
librarians thank the De La Salle University, through its Faculty Development
Program, for making said learning available to them.
Photos courtesy of Jorge Rada