DLSU Libraries staff goes to Bataan

This year's Annual Planning Workshop and Team-building of the DLSU Libraries was held last April 19 and 20, 2013 at the White Corals Beach Resort in Morong, Bataan. Organized and headed by the newly hired librarians, namely, R. Del Mundo, P. Molina and L. Narvaez, the group composed of 82 personnel gathered in front of the Henry Sy, Sr. Hall and started the 3-hour ride going to the venue leaving at exactly 7:30 o’clock in the morning. While on the bus, the organizers facilitated fun games, namely: Bring Me, Name that Tune, and Charades. The group were divided into 3 teams (Green, White, and Yellow) and everyone actively participated. After hours of fun games, the group sang along with the bus’ on-board videoke until the destination was reached. Upon arriving, welcome drinks were served together with the breakfast meal. The group checked-in to their respective rooms and after a few minutes of rest, the team-building activities began. A set of games to test and en...